Custom user created files are not affected by this action." Click OK to restore the template files that were distributed with your program, or click Cancel to cancel the operation. If you would like to keep these files unchanged, choose Cancel. A message will appear stating "If you restore the template files installed with Chief Architect, any changes that you may have made to these files will be lost.On the Reset Options panel of the Preferences dialog, click the Reset Templates button.In your Chief Architect or Home Designer program, select Edit> Preferences from the menu if you're on a Windows computer or Chief Architect> Preferences if you're on a Mac.To reset the template files for Chief Architect X14, Home Designer 2023, and newer versions If you're using X10, Home Designer 2019, and prior program versions, resetting templates may be required if you receive an error message when creating a new plan or layout. If no templates display in the Load Installed Template drop-down, resetting the template files may be necessary. When this occurs, choose either Load Installed Template and choose a template from the drop-down menu, or select Load Custom Template and browse your system for a template file. In other instances, a message may display if you try to open a new plan or layout in Chief Architect, but the program cannot find the file that you've specified as your template. In some instances, these template files are migrated from earlier program versions and it may be necessary to refresh or reset them so that you're using the latest available files for the current version of the software. Whenever a new plan file or layout file is opened, all of its default settings are drawn from a template file. A new plan will be created without using a template." I'm using X10, Home Designer 2019, or a prior program version and I receive the following message: "The default template plan "X" was not found.

When I try to open a new plan to start a new project, this dialog displays: How can I reset the template files used by my program version? My templates are outdated or have been modified. The information in this article applies to: